Valuable Network Leads to Business with Mutual Trust

The two premium B2B members, 2M Ståldesign ApS and Blue IT ApS have commenced a collaboration in order to solve the difficulties 2M experienced with their former IT provider.

The technical design firm 2M Ståldesign is a full-line supplier of steel construction designs, prototypes and finished products. One of the competitive advantages of 2M Ståldesign is their ability to be flexible concerning design, solutions and delivery time. Such flexibility requires 24/7 access to IT support in case any system breaks down or day to day difficulties. “In the past, I did not have access to any systems and if something shut down I had to go through a hotline and was then told that they would call me back on Monday when the right person would be back at the office. Such poor support slows the process and is bad for business.”, says Dennis F. Olesen, Technical Designer and IT administrator of 2M Ståldesign.

Michael Møller, CEO of 2M Ståldesign was tired of poor support, absent sparring and mistrust from their former IT host and was missing a more open dialogue, sparring and the freedom to access their systems themselves. “That was when I through the AndersenB2B Network got to know Brian from Blue IT who introduced me to alternative IT solutions. I instinctively felt like we were on the same page and had no hidden agendas.”, says Michael. “The mutual respect and trust that are to be found between us members were definitely the perfect foundation for a collaboration between 2M and Blue IT after our prior experiences with other IT providers.”, Michael concludes.

The IT specialists, Blue IT makes IT simple and transparent for SMEs. They do so through continuous sparring, teaching and implementation. “We aim to give the client freedom and the opportunity to make the most out of their internal sources, at the same time we are only a phone call away to help or support the staff creating the optimal reassurance. It is very important to us, to limit extra billing, as this will often discourage internal staff. Thus, a substantial part of our clients treats Blue IT as if we were an internal department of the company. We take pride in optimising and discovering saving opportunities for our client.”, says Brian Nonbo, Partner of Blue IT. “We are currently providing 2M with operation and ongoing server maintenance, backup, monitoring and preparedness, mail support, Office 365 licenses and much more. We are continuously sparring with 2M to provide the best solutions for their needs.”, Brian concludes.

“Blue IT has met me in eye level in relation to my technical level making the communication much more open. Today, I have the freedom and possibility to adapt the systems as I like, and I have easy access to all information. There is a mutual trust and respect as I have not met with other IT hosts. And, as a SME we are thrilled that urgent matters are responded to immediately.”, concludes Technical Designer and IT administrator, Dennis F. Olesen.

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