Succeed as a SME in a busy working environment

Theme: Succeed as a SME in a busy working environment

The automation partner, Holtec Automatic and the steel designing drawing office, 2M Ståldesign will jointly host this networking event facilitated at Holtec Automatic in Hobro.

Holtec Automatic A/S conduct electro-technical automation projects, and develops and integrates software and control panels to the industry segment.
2M Ståldesign ApS offers drawing work regarding constructions in steel, aluminium and plastics for both industriel steel constructions and manufacturing of prototypes.

At the event, Holtec Automatic and 2M Ståldesign will elaborate on how they manage to tackle a busy working environment while achieving success when being a SME.

During the speed dating event, you will meet the other participants in 1-1 meetings and get the chance to find new relevant business partners, clients and suppliers.

Holtec Automatic A/S + 2M Ståldesign ApS

Holtec Automatic A/S, Majsmarken 1, 9500 Hobro

08.30: Welcome, coffee & breakfast
08.45: Presentation from AndersenB2B, Lars Siggaard Andersen
09.00: Presentation from Holtec Automatic A/S, Bruno Engelbrektsen
09.20: Questions and comments
09.35: Presentation from 2M Ståldesign ApS, Michael Møller
09.55: Questions and comments
10.10: Guided tour at Holtec Automatic A/S
10.40: B2B speed dating
12.00: Expected round off

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